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Human Shared DNA with ?

•Humans Shared DNA with???
By: Dren
Since the Discovery of DNA and the advancement of our technology to sequence DNA of humans and other organisms,its safe to say afterall as mentioned in my previous articles that some animals or plants we shared a common.Do you know what are these animals and plants?
Of course the people around you shared with you about 99% of your DNA.
A.Apes and Monkeys
-its no surprise i guess that these animals are the one who are very close to us,Humans.Sometimes we called them our Cousins as the percentage of what we have in common are high.Of the great apes, humans share 98.8 percent of their DNA with bonobos and chimpanzees. Humans and gorillas share 98.4 percent of their DNA. Once the apes are not native to Africa however, the differences in DNA increase. Humans and orangutans share 96.9 percent of their DNA. Humans and monkeys share approximately 93 percent.Well thats a quite close really.
-Well this might shocked a little but believe it or not this animals also shared a little common with us.Humans and mice share nearly 90 percent of human DNA. This is important because mice have been used in laboratories as experimental animals for research into human disease processes for years.
-Dogs are considered as Man's Best friend. Its no surprise either we shared a common with them seeing a lovely relationship right? Humans and dogs share 84 percent of their DNA, which again,makes them useful animals to study human disease processes. Researchers are particularly interested in specific diseases that affect both dogs and humans.
-Well this quite a shocking as the previous one are also Mammals,we are mammals also so not surprise but Chickens belongs to another class,the Avians.What things do we have in common? Humans and birds are a different matter. Yet they, too, share a lot of DNA -- 65 percent.Understanding the similarities and differences between human and avian DNA is important. First, because chickens make proteins, such as interferon, that are helpful to human immunity, and need to be further studied. Second, because viruses like the ones that cause the flu cross between birds and humans and need to be studied so that vaccines can be invented and improved.
-Of course if dogs and humans shared common,Cats also.Cats are more like us than you'd think. A 2007 study found that about 90% of the genes in the Abyssinian domestic cat are similar to humans.
-Wait,Cattles?Think about some diseases come from this animals that be transmitted to us also just like birds right?Its no shocking actually.Domesticated cattle share about 80% of their genes with humans.

G.Fruit Flies
Another out of the bounds,Fruit Flies belong to class insecta still belongs to same kingdom as humans. When it comes to insects' DNA, humans have a bit less in common. For example,fruit flies share 61% of disease-causing genes with humans, which was important when NASA studied the bugs to learn more about what space travel might do to your genes.
H.Zebra Fish
-Who says we dont have a shared dna in marine organisms. We share about 73 percent of our genetic code with zebrafish.
-Well two mammals,so its kinda interesting to platypus also. Human DNA is about 69 percent shared with these little guys.
J.Honey Bees
-Its kinda weird,humans and Bees?Im supposed to say Bumblebee but its not a human but a robot. Buzzing right around, bees share about 44 percent of human DNA.
-If there is more weirder than a Bee,Yeast is one of them.We share about 26 percent of our “housekeeping” genes with these single-cell organisms.
L.Acorn Worm
-You gotta be kidding,A worm?Well its true whether we like or not.Acorn worms look nothing like people; the worms have no limbs and breathe through slits in their guts. But they share approximately 14,000 genes with humans, scientists found,comprising about 70 percent of the human genome. These genes can be traced back to an ancestor of both acorn worms and humans that lived more than 500 million years ago,during a period known as the Cambrian explosion.
-This is just ridiculous if you think it carefully,Animal and a plant have a at least one common to each other?Well its not possible as ive stated,We are all Related. It is said that we share about 60% of our genes with a banana.
N.Mustard Grass
-Well just a banana,weird. We share approximately 15 percent of our DNA with this plant.
Well this are some many still not known how much we are related to other organisms.But one thing is sure,We are all Related to each other.We have life.

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